Sunday, March 6, 2011

4 Years!

That's how long Sandra Oh News has been online and we have outlasted many, many Hollywood marriages. :) We've grown quite a bit over the years and need to thank to everyone who has contributed to the site by sending us scoop, pics, articles etc, but also everyone who keep linking to us in various ways - Twitter, Facebook, forums, blogs etc. If you like the site, keep doing that because it's helping a lot.

We've made some small changes to the site as you can see. Let us know if it works for you, or if you prefer the old version.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep up the good work. Sandra Oh is a fantastic actress. She'll outlast many of her actress peers so she'll keep you in business. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Keep it up! Love the new site <3

Pieralí said...

woww Congratulations from Peru (South America)... and thank you for everything and for these 4 years online in wich I've known more about Sandra her work, her awards and her life...kisses!!!

milee said...

Congratulations! Love the site and how well you keep us updated on Sandra Oh.

Your intro. titles/pics for entries are so hilarious. I get a kick out of them.

The Yang-Hunt option at the top is full of win and makes it easier to get the latest on my fav. tv couple too.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

congratulations and thank you!!!

Sandra Oh News said...

Everyone: Thanks! :D

Milee: Appreciate the feedback. It's hard to know otherwise what works and what doesn't. Cheers! ;)

Emma said...

Happy 4th Birthday and MANY MANY happy returns of the day!

I love the new lay-out!

Just one minor point: you used to have a different comment board, where it was a lot easier to react to previous posts. I know you had your good reasons to change it, but it was more fun. Mind you it's really a minor point! So THANKS for this great fan site!!!

Sandra Oh News said...

Emma: Thanks for the feedback. Don't like the current comment form either so will try to find a better alternative asap.

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