Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bring Out The Popcorn

With everyone on holidays we expect that are in for some slow news days. So here is something to keep you busy, peeps.

You can now watch the complete version of Wilby Wonderful and Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity - in both of which Sandra Oh stars in - that are now available for free on You Tube.

Unfortunately, the films may be blocked in some countries.

Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity

In Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity, twelve-year old Mindy Ho (Valerie Tian) tries Taoist magic to fix her single mother's (Sandra Oh) financial situation and seemingly hopeless romantic prospects. Mindy's misdirected charms appear to cause an aging security guard to lose his job and a local butcher to win the lottery. The guard, the butcher and her mother's stories all intersect, bound together by Mindy's attempts at magic intervention. Set in the Chinese Canadian community, Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity is a story of hope and the importance of keeping faith in this sometimes difficult world.

Wilby Wonderful

Wilby Wonderful is a bittersweet comedy about the difference a day makes. Over the course of twenty-four hours, the residents of the tiny island town of Wilby try to maintain business as usual in the face of very unusual business. Wilby Wonderful features a stellar ensemble of Canada's most talented performers: Sandra Oh, James Allodi, Maury Chaykin, Paul Gross, Rebecca Jenkins and Callum Keith Rennie. Wilby Wonderful is a gentle, intimate story of hope and the importance of believing that we live in a world of creation, not destruction – in fact, we create that world by believing in it.

Discuss the films in the comments below or head on over to the forum which is need for some action. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy!
sandra oh news