Friday, October 4, 2013

Sandra Oh: "Fantastic, Exciting Stuff" Coming Up For Cristina And Meredith - Interview

On The Red Carpet was at the celebration of the 200th episode of Grey's last Saturday, where they talked to the cast of Grey's, and in this interview Sandra Oh talks about how she feels about leaving the show, what she wants to see for Cristina, teases about "fantastic stuff" coming up for a storyline involving Cristina and Meredith, and her favourite storylines involving other characters:

Click here for more interviews with the cast where they talk about Sandra's exit. 

So what else is happening for Cristina in the upcoming episodes? Here's an update from other sources:

Cristina and Owen: Letting go will be hard to do  
“Now there’s a resigned acceptance of the fact that they want different things,” says Oh. “[The next few episodes will] grow them through that in a mature way — even though they’re still hooking up.” But will Owen ever make a move to finding a life outside of Cristina? McKidd thinks that could be in the cards. “She keeps pushing him to move on, so I think he’s going to try to move on." - Entertainment Weekly
Sandra Oh: "You'll see how certain things change and certain consequences for Cristina. In the 200th episode, she gets a glimpse of the impact of her decision (telling Owen they should date other people). She'll get a glimpse of what it is and have to continue holding fast to that decision and being supportive of each other." - THR
sandra oh news