Thursday, December 1, 2011

Support The North Korean Refugee Adoption Act

Sandra Oh has recorded a PSA for in order to urge everyone to support the North Korean Refugee Adoption Act which would make it possible for Americans to adopt North Korean refugee children, should the bill pass.

If this is an issue that speaks to your heart, please click here lend your support and sign the petition.

As for how the shoot of this PSA came about, filmmaker Daniel Chae wrote about it on his blog:
Sandra Oh is a true professional. Very polite, pleasant, and dang funny. It was crazy how this all came together so quickly. In the matter of literally hours, riceboycook SarahChang and fniSteve came up with the premise of a script, which was developed in a full script by a writer for Lost, which was then scored by one of John William’s assistants, which was then shot in 30min on the ABC lot with Sandra Oh. Serious props to Grace and Susan if you’re reading this.

sandra oh news