Hipster is okay. Just don't be pretentious. Don't go looking through people's iPod say 'why do you listen to dirt'. And don't be surprised when people don't know who George Harrison/ David bowie is.
In the original tale I don't think the monster is ever referred to as "Frankenstein" by anybody. But being that "The Creature" was created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein, that would mean that Dr. Victor Frankenstein was The Creature's "father", taking that line of thinking as true would naturally mean that The Creature, like everyone else, would automatically inherit it's creator's ("father"'s) surname.
I'm pretty sure that the monster was referred to as "The Creature" (as it was not a true "person" per se, as it was created out of the cadavers of various people).
If the people would not be educated, then they didn’t get the motivation to use their education and the knowledge in a best way or in the way by which they can help the mankind.
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